Hannah and I recently spent four days locked away in our home studio recording the song “God of Wonders” and filming the whole process. The result is what some are calling a VideoSong. Basically, here are the rules we gave ourselves for recording and editing:
- What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice).
- If you hear it, at some point you see it (no hidden sounds).
You can watch above or click here to watch on YouTube in HD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfRj1SMzFdk
This kind of video was a lot of fun to make and we will definitely be making more in the future. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube page to stay in touch and see all the new videos as we release them. http://youtube.com/wespickeringmusic
The single is available to download on iTunes. Click below to download now:
Lord of all creation
of water earth and sky
The heavens are your Tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on highGod of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are Holy, Holy
The universe declares your Majesty
You are holy holyLord of Heaven and Earth
Lord of Heaven and EarthEarly in the morning
I will celebrate the light
When i stumble in the darkness
I will call your name by nightHallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth
Precious Lord, reveal your heart to me
Father, holy, holy!
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
Song by Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong. Recorded with permission.