The Way You Love is Wes’s fourth full-length album and second worship project. The album is full of passionate songs, written specifically with the local Church in mind.
“I wanted to put together an album that would be something that would sound incredible for personal listening but with songs that could just as easily be plugged into your church’s worship service this Sunday,” says Wes about the album. ”I really challenged myself to push some stylistic boundaries while maintaining the elements that could be singable with a congregation. There’s a lot of stuff in here that I’m really proud of, and I hope it becomes a valuable resource for other worship leaders.”
The album leads off with the anthemic title track, “The Way You Love,” a prayer for the church to take up Jesus’s commandment in John 13:34-35
34 “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Whether it’s an energetic call to worship like “Oh Broken Hearts” or an intimate expression of gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice like “At the Foot of the Cross,” the album reaches beyond the confines of music and encourages the posture of worship.
“So many of these songs were written with my own church in mind, and I can’t wait to share these songs with other churches and worship leaders.”
The Way You Love
Jesus your grace, it gives us courage
To walk in faith and live with purpose
and as we go you go before us
We’re free because you paid our ransom
Jesus your cross, it is our anthem
We’ll sing it loud, Lord send us out
We wanna love the world the way you love
We’re gonna give it all to answer your calling
We wanna shine a light on all you’ve done
Lord change us and move us
to love the way you love
Where we see shame, you see forgiveness
Where we see pain, you’re bringing wholeness
Open our eyes, to what you shown us
Lord make our hearts reflect your glory
Lord take our lives, they are an offering
The earth is yours and we are yours
God, your love is a mission, it’s mercy in motion
Your love is an fountain, a river, an ocean
Your love is eternal, unfailing, and true
That’s the way you love, that’s the way you love
Oh Broken Hearts
He is the strength
He is the strength for the weary
He is the shelter
For the battered and torn
He is the peace
He is the peace for the restless
He is the rescue
In the war and in the storm
Oh broken hearts come
Oh broken hearts come
Let the broken hearted know
The love of the Father
Oh broken hearts come
Everywhere and every one
Let the broken hearted know
The love of the Father
The love that never fails
He is the joy
He is the joy for hurting
He is the light
For a world in the dark
He is the hope
He is the hope for the hopeless
He is the way
When we don’t know where we are
Glorious and powerful
A king upon his throne
His loving arms wide open
calling us to be his own
At the Foot of the Cross
At the foot of the cross
Where I kneel in adoration
And I lay my burdens down
I exchange all my sin
For the promise of salvation
And your name across my brow
At the foot of the Cross
I give up my vain ambition
And I leave my selfish pride
In the peace that is there,
will You restore my vision?
In all the places I am blind
I will wait here at the cross
At the foot of the Cross
There is healing for this nation
There is rest for those who wait
And the love that we find
is the hope of all creation
We are stunned by what You gave
We will wait here at the Cross
We will wait at the cross,
a hungry generation
With our broken hearts and lives
Will You hear? Will You come?
Will You fill our desperation?
Oh God let this be the time
Jesus at the cross I lay
My sins and old ways down
Please give me strength to
Leave them far behind
Fill me with your Holy Spirit
And guide me in your ways
Cleanse my heart
and please renew my mind
I surrender everything
I surrender everything
Jesus be my way, my truth, my life
My everything
Jesus I am resting in your arms
Just like a child
Keep me close
and never let me go
Fill my heart with love like yours
Make me more like you
Wash my soul
as white as winter snow
You have made my heart a new creation
You make old things pass and all things new
You are all my hope and my salvation
Everything I am belongs to you
God you were
God you are
God you always will be
Holy Holy
Endless love
Perfect peace
You are infinitely
Worthy worthy
Age to age your great name
Shines with glory like the sunlight
God you shine bright
Yesterday and today
And forever the same
You’re unchanging, unfailing
you will always remain
Let the nations sing praises
And declare that you reign
From everlasting to everlasting
Who unveils every star
And then hides them in the
morning, morning
Who can hold every heart
and breathe life into our
Longing longing
God it you
you alone are deserving of the worship
of the whole earth
Every king will fade
Every kingdom fall
Everything we’ve made
You’ll outlast it all
Every heart wiped clean
Every life made new
Every voice there will sing
God there is none like You
The Lord is Present Here
The Lord is present here
The Lord is present here
The Lord is present here
Come worship
We offer up our lives
A living sacrifice
Pouring out our gifts
Of thanks and praise
This is your holy hill
You call us higher still
Joining with all heaven
To acclaim
Brought near by Jesus’ blood
Brought near by Jesus’ blood
Brought near by Jesus’ blood
We worship
With angels round your throne
With angels round your throne
With angels round your throne
We worship
Holy Holy Holy Lord
God of power and might
Heaven and earth are full
Of your glory
Let all the nations come
Let all the nations come
Let all the nations come
And worship
Let all creation bow
Let all creation bow
Let all creation bow
In worship
New Every Morning
Who can fathom
Who can fathom the depth
Of your your perfect love
There is no ocean
that could hold your love for us
Who could wander
Who could wander so far
That they are alone
You do no rest until you bring your children home
I know that his love is unfailing
His grace is sufficient for me
His mercies are new every morning
New every morning.
Who can measure
Who can measure the height
Of your endless love
There is no mountain top
You do no rise above
oh how deep
oh how wide
Oh how precious is the love of Christ
love that words could not describe
Nothing Can Separate
You Are Love
Always unconditional
You are always true
You are Love
Faithful as the sunrise
Forever you endure
There is neither hight or depth
That can keep us from you
Nothing can separate us
You loved in death
And you love in life
There is no greater love than you
You are Love
Sacrificed in innocence
You gave up your life for love
You are love
Patient and compassionate
Merciful and kind
For I am my beloved’s
And my beloved is mine
Nothing present or past or future
Could keep us apart
Here is Love
Here is love, vast as the ocean,
Lovingkindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.
On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.
Let me all Thy love accepting,
Love Thee, ever all my days;
Let me seek Thy kingdom only
And my life be to Thy praise;
Thou alone shalt be my glory,
Nothing in the world I see.
Thou hast cleansed and sanctified me,
Thou Thyself hast set me free.
Jesus your grace, it gives us courage
To walk in faith and live with purpose
and as we go you go before us
We’re free because you paid our ransom
Jesus your cross, it is our anthem
We’ll sing it loud, Lord send us out
We wanna love the world the way you love
We’re gonna give it all to answer your calling
We wanna shine a light on all you’ve done
Lord change us and move us
to love the way you love
Where we see shame, you see forgiveness
Where we see pain, you’re bringing wholeness
Open our eyes, to what you shown us
Lord make our hearts reflect your glory
Lord take our lives, they are an offering
The earth is yours and we are yours
God, your love is a mission, it’s mercy in motion
Your love is an fountain, a river, an ocean
Your love is eternal, unfailing, and true
That’s the way you love, that’s the way you love
Oh Broken Hearts
He is the strength
He is the strength for the weary
He is the shelter
For the battered and torn
He is the peace
He is the peace for the restless
He is the rescue
In the war and in the storm
Oh broken hearts come
Oh broken hearts come
Let the broken hearted know
The love of the Father
Oh broken hearts come
Everywhere and every one
Let the broken hearted know
The love of the Father
The love that never fails
He is the joy
He is the joy for hurting
He is the light
For a world in the dark
He is the hope
He is the hope for the hopeless
He is the way
When we don’t know where we are
Glorious and powerful
A king upon his throne
His loving arms wide open
calling us to be his own
At the Foot of the Cross
At the foot of the cross
Where I kneel in adoration
And I lay my burdens down
I exchange all my sin
For the promise of salvation
And your name across my brow
At the foot of the Cross
I give up my vain ambition
And I leave my selfish pride
In the peace that is there,
will You restore my vision?
In all the places I am blind
I will wait here at the cross
At the foot of the Cross
There is healing for this nation
There is rest for those who wait
And the love that we find
is the hope of all creation
We are stunned by what You gave
We will wait here at the Cross
We will wait at the cross,
a hungry generation
With our broken hearts and lives
Will You hear? Will You come?
Will You fill our desperation?
Oh God let this be the time
Jesus at the cross I lay
My sins and old ways down
Please give me strength to
Leave them far behind
Fill me with your Holy Spirit
And guide me in your ways
Cleanse my heart
and please renew my mind
I surrender everything
I surrender everything
Jesus be my way, my truth, my life
My everything
Jesus I am resting in your arms
Just like a child
Keep me close
and never let me go
Fill my heart with love like yours
Make me more like you
Wash my soul
as white as winter snow
You have made my heart a new creation
You make old things pass and all things new
You are all my hope and my salvation
Everything I am belongs to you
God you were
God you are
God you always will be
Holy Holy
Endless love
Perfect peace
You are infinitely
Worthy worthy
Age to age your great name
Shines with glory like the sunlight
God you shine bright
Yesterday and today
And forever the same
You’re unchanging, unfailing
you will always remain
Let the nations sing praises
And declare that you reign
From everlasting to everlasting
Who unveils every star
And then hides them in the
morning, morning
Who can hold every heart
and breathe life into our
Longing longing
God it you
you alone are deserving of the worship
of the whole earth
Every king will fade
Every kingdom fall
Everything we’ve made
You’ll outlast it all
Every heart wiped clean
Every life made new
Every voice there will sing
God there is none like You
The Lord is Present Here
The Lord is present here
The Lord is present here
The Lord is present here
Come worship
We offer up our lives
A living sacrifice
Pouring out our gifts
Of thanks and praise
This is your holy hill
You call us higher still
Joining with all heaven
To acclaim
Brought near by Jesus’ blood
Brought near by Jesus’ blood
Brought near by Jesus’ blood
We worship
With angels round your throne
With angels round your throne
With angels round your throne
We worship
Holy Holy Holy Lord
God of power and might
Heaven and earth are full
Of your glory
Let all the nations come
Let all the nations come
Let all the nations come
And worship
Let all creation bow
Let all creation bow
Let all creation bow
In worship
New Every Morning
Who can fathom
Who can fathom the depth
Of your your perfect love
There is no ocean
that could hold your love for us
Who could wander
Who could wander so far
That they are alone
You do no rest until you bring your children home
I know that his love is unfailing
His grace is sufficient for me
His mercies are new every morning
New every morning.
Who can measure
Who can measure the height
Of your endless love
There is no mountain top
You do no rise above
oh how deep
oh how wide
Oh how precious is the love of Christ
love that words could not describe
Nothing Can Separate
You Are Love
Always unconditional
You are always true
You are Love
Faithful as the sunrise
Forever you endure
There is neither hight or depth
That can keep us from you
Nothing can separate us
You loved in death
And you love in life
There is no greater love than you
You are Love
Sacrificed in innocence
You gave up your life for love
You are love
Patient and compassionate
Merciful and kind
For I am my beloved’s
And my beloved is mine
Nothing present or past or future
Could keep us apart
Here is Love
Here is love, vast as the ocean,
Lovingkindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.
On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.
Let me all Thy love accepting,
Love Thee, ever all my days;
Let me seek Thy kingdom only
And my life be to Thy praise;
Thou alone shalt be my glory,
Nothing in the world I see.
Thou hast cleansed and sanctified me,
Thou Thyself hast set me free.