Greetings Internetters,
This weekend was fantastic. I drove with friends to Tulsa, OK to participate in my dear friend Josh Wilson‘s wedding. It was great to see what God brought together in him and Becca. Many blessings and prayers to them as they start their new life together.
This week, I’m back in Nashville, and on Thursday will be at Kairos Cafe Nights hosted by Brentwood Baptist. If you’re anywhere the Nashville area, this will be a great show to come out to. It’ll also feature Nashville songwriters (and wonderful friends) Seth Costner and Lindsey Jones. There going to be lots of great songs and a few snazzy duets. So, grab some friends and make your way out to Brentwood Baptist.
If you don’t live near Nashville, don’t fret. I would love to come play a show in your area. You can help make that happen here.