UPDATE: This full-album giveaway has now ended, but you can always get free music from Wes Pickering over on the free music page.
Hello friends,
For the next few weeks, I will be giving away my most recent album The Way You Love for free on Noisetrade. That’s right…no charge. 100% free to download.
I would love to get this album in the hands of as many people as possible, so I would like to enlist your help. If you could please do one (or all) of the following to help me promote this giveaway, I would greatly appreciate it:
- Share the download page on Facebook. Here’s the link, just paste it into your Facebook status to share: http://free.wespickering.com
- Share the download page on Twitter.
- If you have a blog or website, embed the above download widget on your site. Just click the share button
As an independent musician, word-of-mouth promotion is the best advertising tool I have. I really believe in these songs, and I’d love your help to get them spread as far and as wide as the internet allows!
If you’ve got money to leave a tip, that would be greatly appreciated. However, what I really value the most of all is your voice and your effort to help me spread the word.
This free download will only last for a few weeks, so get the news out now while it lasts!