Written during the peak of the Cold War, a time when many Americans feared for the future of their nation (and perhaps the world itself), Gloria Shayne and Noel Regney gave us this beautiful parable, using one of the Wise Men as the backdrop for a story about the Prince of Peace. In this hour, once again, there are many who fear for the future, but take courage! Peace be with you! “The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night—He will bring us goodness and light!”
Don’t forget to let your prayer be accompanied by worship! The Psalms do an excellent job of teaching us the model: praise to God is never far from David’s lips, even when he is on the brink of calamity. Regardless of your circumstances, “Come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!” He is the Way Maker!
This song is from the album Glory: A Call to Worship at Christmas, available for purchase now.